In 2008, Countryside underwent a major upgrade in practice management software and in-house diagnostic equipment. We are proud to be a Strategic Partner account (SPA) with Idexx Laboratories with our integrated practice. We are fully equiped with the complete Idexx VetLab, the 1417 CR Digital Radiography system, and the Equiview DR radiology system. In addition, we have 2 more full-body digital radiology systems and a digital dental suite.

In-house Laboratory
Our Idexx Vetlab allows us to quickly perform diagnostic testing onsite. We are able to run CBC’s, fibrinogen, chemistry panels, and electrolytes, thyroid function, urinalysis, clotting profiles, blood gases, and many others while you wait! In addition to these automated tests, we perform many manual tests such as fecal flotations and fecal egg counts, cytology and IgG testing for foals.
Along with our extensive list of in-house diagnostic capabilities, we partner with many outside laboratories to offer many other tests such as histopathology, cultures and sensitivities, cytology, therapeutic drug monitoring, progesterone levels and Coggins testing.
Digital Radiography
Digital radiography provides high quality, high contrast diagnostic images. All of our digital radiography systems provide almost immediate images, reducing stress on our patients. This technology also allows to quickly share radiographs with clients or other veterinarians through e-mail or saved on a CD. Our two DR digital radiography systems allow images to be viewed almost immediately even in the field.
Digital Ultrasound
Digital ultrasound provides high quality images for evaluating tendons, ligaments, joints, soft tissue structures, and ultrasound guided injections.

Video Endoscopy
Endoscopy is a minimally invasive diagnostic tool used to “look inside” the body. Using a flexible tube combined with a video system, we can look in the throat and upper airway, and urogenital tract. Endoscopy can be used to diagnose breathing problems, gastric ulcers and urinary problems. We have both hospital endoscopy towers and portable systems that even allow us to perform some procedures at the farm!